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4 posts tagged with "css"

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CSS selectors

/* Present: selects .foo elements with bar attribute present, regardless of its value */
.foo[bar] {
fum: baz;

/* Exact: selects .foo elements where the bar attribute has the exact value of fum */
.foo[bar='fum'] {
baz: qux;

/* Whitespace separated: selects .foo elements with bar attribute values contain specified partial value of fum (whitespace separated) */
.foo[bar~='fum'] {
baz: qux;

/* Hyphen separated: selects .foo elements with bar attribute values contain specified partial value of fum immediately followed by hyphen (-) character */
.foo[bar|='fum'] {
baz: qux;

/* Begins with: selects .foo elements where the bar attribute begins with fum */
.foo[bar^='fum'] {
baz: qux;

/* Ends with: selects .foo elements where the bar attribute ends with fum */
.foo[bar$='fum'] {
baz: qux;

/* Containts: selects .foo elements where the bar attribute contains string fum followed and preceded by any number of other characters */
.foo[bar*='fum'] {
baz: qux;

How to easily identify inconsistencies in your CSS layout

* { outline: 1px solid rgba(255,0,0,.2); :hover { outline: 1px solid rgba(255,0,0,0.6); } }
* * { outline: 1px solid rgba(0,255,0,.2); :hover { outline: 1px solid rgba(0,255,0,0.6); } }
* * * { outline: 1px solid rgba(0,0,255,.2); :hover { outline: 1px solid rgba(0,0,255,0.6); } }
* * * * { outline: 1px solid rgba(255,0,255,.2); :hover { outline: 1px solid rgba(255,0,0,0.6); } }
* * * * * { outline: 1px solid rgba(0,255,255,.2); :hover { outline: 1px solid rgba(0,255,0,0.6); } }
* * * * * * { outline: 1px solid rgba(255,255,0,.2); :hover { outline: 1px solid rgba(0,0,255,0.6); } }
* * * * * * * { outline: 1px solid rgba(255,0,0,.2); :hover { outline: 1px solid rgba(255,0,0,0.6); } }
* * * * * * * * { outline: 1px solid rgba(0,255,0,.2); :hover { outline: 1px solid rgba(0,255,0,0.6); } }
* * * * * * * * * { outline: 1px solid rgba(0,0,255,.2); :hover { outline: 1px solid rgba(0,0,255,0.6); } }

Different depth of nodes will use different colour allowing you to see the size of each element on the page, their margin and their padding. Now you can easily identify inconsistencies.
